Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pacific City

Pacific City!  Our beach trip this last weekend.  So beautiful.
 Literally, not five minutes after we had set our things down (I don't think I had even set up my folding chair) Ashley came to me soaking wet!  And since I had only brought one other outfit (for the ride home)--and I knew perfectly well that it would be soaking wet within minutes of putting it on, I let her go naked--mostly!  So....she spent the rest of the day in her Cinderella undies!
But honestly!  Are any of you 'really' that shocked!?!?
 Here, Nathan is getting help on roasting marshmallows!  We were able to build a fire on the beach.  If you look at the background, you'll see just how dense the fog was!
We arrived around Noon:30, and it didn't clear up until around 4pm--which was when we were all expected to leave.  But we couldn't leave then!  It was beautiful--as you will see momentarily, so we ended up staying until 7pm.  It was a long day, but totally worth it!
 I nabbed a few shots of Daniel before I never saw him again!  Since this was technically a "youth" beach trip for our ward, that meant there were teenagers to hang with instead of younger siblings! ;)
 But not before he had a 'dough boy'!!!
 Yes.....she is awesome!!
 These two were crawling, rolling, swimming, and scooting around the sand all day!  It just made me feel itchy and dirty, and gritty, just watching them!  But boy were they having a great time!
 We finally convinced Nathan to be buried.  
That is, until someone got an idea that using a shovel would help expedite the mission of putting him deep into the ground!!
If any of you know Nathan--you know that he can scream more like a little girl than Ashley can!  And he did, when he saw that shovel of sand coming towards him!  
Ashley on the other hand, would sit up and break the mold, then lay back down and try to re-bury herself (over and over again)....., but since she'd close her eyes, and her chest was all that was revealed, she'd just throw sand into her face, which just looked like a mother turtle using her fins to throw sand onto her eggs! Seriously....did you get that visual?  Yeah, I thought it was a good one too!
 Daniel's new past-time....skid-boarding!
 So, after the sun came out, Nathan and Ashley and I decided to climb the huge sand dune to see the view of the coast.  Here is the view from the bottom......
 On our way up.......yes, that's Ashley and Nathan laying in the sand.
 Nearly there.....the view to the south.
 Ashley is struggling to make it to the top, Nathan and I were waiting for her.  She was giggling the whole way. Most people just passed her by, Im sure thinking something like, "who is this poor child, crawling up this hill in her underwear!?  Where is her mother!!!?"...and then, ""
Honestly people, none of know really, she just does!! ;)
 The top!!!  And the view to the North...
hey look, it's Aaron and Jenilyn...oh wait!
 On our way back down we found some rocks to explore!  This looks like a tropical paradise....but it's the Oregon coast, and even though it was somewhere around 78 degrees with no wind...the water was freezing!!!
This last picture was for Daddy!  Arms outreached for a big hug!!!
I loved Pacific City!  I want to go back there again and again--it is now one of my favorite beaches on the Oregon Coast.

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